Who is your role model (mine is Queen Elizabeth the first)?

Answer #1

My role model is Karen Gillan who plays Amy Pond in Doctor Who =D (karen Gillan is the person as my profile picture) =D

Answer #2


Answer #3

My Mom :) can i ask why yours is Queen Elizabeth the first?

Answer #4

My best friend for remaining whole in all the adversity she has faced in her life. I’m thankful to have her & I can’t tell you how much she has inspired me and helped me through life. She’s been through so much herself and I admire her for getting through it without ever losing hope.

Kurt Cobain would have to be my celebrity role model. He made great music, cared about his family. Despite his drugs, he gave people the gift of good music. <3

Answer #5

My best friend for remaining whole in all the adversity she has faced in her life. I’m thankful to have her & I can’t tell you how much she has inspired me and helped me through life. She’s been through so much herself and I admire her for getting through it without ever losing hope.

Kurt Cobain would have to be my celebrity role model. He made great music, cared about his family. Despite his drugs, he gave people the gift of good music. <3

Answer #6

My best friend for remaining whole in all the adversity she has faced in her life. I’m thankful to have her & I can’t tell you how much she has inspired me and helped me through life. She’s been through so much herself and I admire her for getting through it without ever losing hope.

Kurt Cobain would have to be my celebrity role model. He made great music, cared about his family. Despite his dru.gs, he gave people the gift of good music. <3

Answer #7

marilyn monroe. <3

Answer #8

HE IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Answer #9

she* lol

Answer #10


Answer #11

i dont know…

Answer #12

Ford Prefect (the Character from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)

“Ah, this is futile. Five hundred and seventy-three committee meetings, you haven’t even discovered fire yet.”

Answer #13

demi lovato, because she has gotten help for her ed and cutting and is in recovery

Answer #14

Top is: JESUS Music: K rino, Young maylay, Guvna B and MC eiht Actors: Denzil Washington, Will Smith, Chris Rock and Ice cube

Answer #15

no one.

Answer #16

Amy Lee, she is an instrument of her own.

Answer #17

Jeffree Star and Adam Lambert and Emma Watson :D

Answer #18

Gordon Sumner(also known as Sting), possibly my favourite musician, he has helped raise money for Haiti, the 2004 asian tsunami, and helped raise money for victims of 9/11, such an inspirational guy

Answer #19

right at this moment, i really don’t knw her personally but i watch her youtube videos and she seems super sweet and she is going through the same thing i’m going through, i would give y’all her name but it seems rude ^_^

Answer #20

Jeffree Star is amazing. I wanna see him perform in person

Answer #21

Queen Latifah I like her Cover Girl commercials

Answer #22

MLK and Elbert Einstein. MLK had so much determination to make a difference, that inspires me, he shows how if you don’t give up you can do almost anathing, he died fighting for his and other people’s equality. Elbert Einstein was just awesome because he did what he did and he really didn’t give about what other people think. And that got him far.

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