how can i get rid of a bad cough?

Answer #1

First off do you have any clue what is causing the cough?

Cough medicine usually is the best bet, though thats pretty obvious.

Answer #2

Halls!!! Or neocitron its like magic I swear lol

Answer #3

this night sound a tad faggy but im looking for something away from the medicine area,,, any ideas for that?x

Answer #4


Answer #5

Best medicines though are Robitussin, Mucinex, and Delysm. Those have always worked best for me :)

Answer #6

It doesn’t sound odd, Turn your shower on full heat and get your bathroom all steamy and sit in there for awhile and breath deeply, thats always helped me a lot :)

Answer #7

okay and thanks :)

Answer #8

If you have a bad cough that won’t go away, you really should try some medicine or cough drops for it. It’s best to not leave it untreated.

Answer #9

wait, what country are you from??

Answer #10

Lol I’m from canada, you don’t know halls its like candy but it helps you if u have a cough

Answer #11

as if your from canada! i wanna live there ): im from stupid australia. and ive only heard of halls taekwondo xD

Answer #12

Lol the australian taekwando club? what a coincidence I wanna live there, hey maybe we should do like a fam swap you know lol but seriously I heared its beautyful there! I have a friend who spent a year there for school

Answer #13

as if! ew we dont even know who our priminister is and eleciton was over a week ago. so our governments screwed. and a swap would be great but i already know my parents answer to that :P

Answer #14

It depends on what type of cough it is. Is is a dry cough, wet cough or a cough related to asthma.

What you could do is to keep your chest warm (I use a scarf), that should improve you cough, especially if it is asthma related. Then get some eucalyptus oil (available at your pharmacy) and add it to a bowl of steaming water and inhale the steam. That will also open your airways and improve your breathing or you can just slowly inhale steaming water.

Also I do want to mention that you should consider getting proper cough medicine. I know that naturally ginger and honey can help relieve a cough, but if it is really bad you might end up with a lung infection.

Answer #15

oh shiet :\ yeah its just a dry cough and i sometimes cough up mucus. thanks for the advice xx

Answer #16

Could be a post nasal drip, especially if you are coughing up mucus. How about getting a nasal spray too? That way you’ll clear up some of the mucus and the cough should probably improve.

Answer #17

yea i got that, i think im just sick from staying out in the pooring rain all day

Answer #18

Haha that’s ok I don’t think you’d wanna live with my crazy family anyway lol the only normal one in my clan is my cat Patches lol

Answer #19

bahahaha well i have a phobia for all animals…and yes, that would cover Patches as well D:

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