Why do my ribs hurt and why it is hard to breath at times?

Answer #1

There can be a plethora of things wrong from cracked ribs to a minor infection in the lungs to asthma. What does the pain feel like.

Answer #2

That is somewhat difficult to diagnose, Brandy. My magic crystal ball has low batteries, so my magic omniscience is a little limited today. I am trying hard to find your aura among 6 billion people. Maybe if I read it with my augury spell I can give you some more info.

Maybe you should, in the meantime, see a doctor and ask him?

Answer #3

Because you have pneumonia.

Answer #4

Disclaimer: Use this diagnosis at your own risk.

Answer #5

If you have a sharp pain when you breath it is probably pleurisy. Other causes of breathing pain can be pneumonia, pulmonary edema, broken ribs, pulled muscles, and heart hypertrophy. Seeking medical advice is your best bet though.

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