What does a resume usually look like?

Answer #1

luckily for you, i just finished mine :D first in big font put your name at the very top, then with smaller font type your address, phone number and email. next your personal information, age, D.O.B, sex, place of birth. then, your educational information then, your work history, include babysitting and tutoring if you dont have that much experience after that, put down your skills last, your interests and activities

make it interesting, and to the point

Answer #2

to see how it looks like, visit the website : cvparade.com for ideas

Answer #3

It should be one page with all the important, well written info. Resume’s that are too long and several pages get thrown in the trash. You have to get their attention quickly and make them want to call you.

Answer #4

Center your heading, divide sections with a thin but noticeable margin to margin horizontal line. And use bullets to list your credentials. Cite references, and check them yourself beforehand.

Answer #5

you shouldn’t include age or DOB, if your potential employer has legal reason to know this they will check it later. Even though gender can usually be gleaned from given names it shouldn’t be noted since sexual discrimination is illegal it shouldn’t be listed here. Listing activities can demonstrate being a well rounded person be careful not to list anything that would indicate religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, or which athletes or sports teams you prefer.

Answer #6

Things are done differently elsewhere but in the US A resume now is often two pages. The first page giving the highlights and the second additional detail. Personally I still prefer one page. In certain professions Curriculum Vitae are used instead of resumes. Curricumum Vitae means the story of someone’s life and are far more comprehensive. I’ve seen college professors who had many grants and hundreds of publications who’s CVs were like a book.

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