Does the rest/unbleached parts of my hair stay healthy if I only bleach a section of it?

I want to grow out my hair, but I also want to bleach a little of it. I know from the past that if I dye or bleach my hair, it pretty much stops growing at all, but my hair has been untouched (no dyes, no heat) for years. I wanted to make sure that if I bleached it, the rest would stay healthy and be able to grow as it normally does.

Answer #1

Yh it does but I totally suggest u use the colour protection shampoo from aussie’s nd the colourseal gloss from nice’n easy :)

Answer #2

Hey! Are you gonna bleach like the tip of your hair? know this doesn’t really answer your question.. At all haha

Answer #3

Still trying to decide :D but I know if I bleached the tips :/ it’d probably damage my hair badly. My hair sucks.

Answer #4

Yes the rest of your hair stays healthy, just whatever is touched by the bleach. Do you straighten your hair? if you do I would trim your ends before bleaching.

Answer #5

I would always trym the ends first

Answer #6

The only unhealthy hair is the hair that the bleach touches.

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