Can I reheat a dessert rissoto?

Answer #1

Yes, but if you’re going to microwave it, cover it with plastic wrap so it doesn’t dry out.

Answer #2

TOO MANDYLOO: For your info i wasnt aggrevated. But now that you wanna say something smart i might as well you idiot. WHo the hell do you think you are MS I KNOW EVERYTHING. AND I HAVE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS SO I CAN A PAYCHECK FROM FUNADVICE AND RAISE MY CHILD B8tch its called a f%cking job you lame as3 ugly hoe. How about you go suck a big ass black dck mandyLOOOOO With your no life self. So this is what you plan to do your whole life you stupi& A&s Ho???!!! haha your pathetic. Yeah alot of people will not agree with me because their scared their profiles are going to get deleted but go ahead i do not give a flying rats as& about this website bit7h

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