What do you regret not doing in your life?

Answer #1

i have absolutely no regrets. I’ve lived my life the way i wanted too & that’s the greatest gift life could give me. Every decision I’ve made has lead me to where i am now, & where i am now is my utopia. if i could live again, id do it all the same <3

Answer #2

Nothing really. I alredy did too much.

Answer #3

being so absorbed in my problems that i didn’t really take into account the changes that were accruing with my best friend that would have prevented his death so early

Answer #4

I Always Wanted To Open A Bakery.. But Now I Am Getting Paid For Treats I Make.. Way To Much Start Up Costs.

Answer #5

The things that I regreat most are the little stupid things I have done throue life. It is not like I have not done big stupid things, but it is the little ones that come to mind most. except not keeping in tuch with that girl in Napolis.

Answer #6

Biggest regret in my life so far was I had to make a choice between two girls I loved - either my current g/f at the time or another girl I had fallen for at the same time. I chose to stay with the g/f of 2yrs, but she broke up with me about a year later. After we broke up I found out she had been thinking we might not be right for each other, and that she might break up with me for about the last year and a half. I wish she had told me before she found someone new she had doubts about our relationship. Now in hind site part of me wishes I would have chose the other girl. But the other girl is now married so that really isn’t and option at all :(

Answer #7

Not investing in certain stocks when they were only 2 dollars and now they are over 40 dollars a share. Coulda made a lot of money but i didnt.

Answer #8

LOL. Reminds me of my teacher, he had a chance to buy yahoo before the stock went up 2000% now all of his friends are millionaires and he’s stuck teaching.

Answer #9

be more confident :(

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