What are some things I can do to reduce or stop the harsh pain the cramps bring just before the period starts?

Answer #1

Take some midol, rest, go for walks (I find that I feel better the more active I am) take a warm bath..

Answer #2

lay on your stomach with a pillow…the pressure helps reduce the pain. try a heating pad also. Take something like ibuphrofen or midol. hope this helps! :]

Answer #3

take a One A Day women’s vitamin every day because it really helps before your period starts. Stay active, exercise helps too. Heating pads work great, and ibruprophen takes a lot of the pain away.

Answer #4

One A DAy women’s vitamin would that be avaible for a 13 year old . So its actually better for me to be on my feet on like actively? And what if I use cold stuff like ice it makes me better i mean the heat makes me a little woozy nearly blackedout twice at camp

Answer #5

peppermint tea and a hot bath

Answer #6

yes, it’s only vitamins so you could purchase it yourself. yeah, ive read that exercise helps. I’ve been very active playing soccer and my cramps are less intense. if cold stuff makes you feel better than warm stuff then sure. but warm things are supposed to relax your muscles a bit.

Answer #7

I would suggest using a heating pad .Like the above comment stated heat will (in most cases) should relax the muscles.

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