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Recurring nightmare
Ok, so I had this nightmare last night where for soem reason I had 2 stay the night with this guy stranger in this one room… So like when the lights turned off it went pretty dark, and then like a minute or 2 seconds later this guy wud b on top of me raping me. And id wake up. I had this dream 3-4 times.. The same exact thing with the samew exact guy!!! Im getting really creeped, and now whenevcer I walk in public I get creeped of random guys. I don’t know whats happening.. Why did I have this dream like 4 times. Why am I scared of guys now?? Help!!
I have the same dreams over and over all the time and they freak me out too, but they are just dreams..its VERY unlikely if they become true.. I wouldn’t worry about it to much, but if you are that worried just carry pepper spray or something in your purse..that way if it ever does happen you can get away from them.
maybe your in danger… I dunno, keep something in your handbag to defend urself just incase… and try your best not to look scared in public places, as if nothing’s wrong, try not get a lotta attention in public places… I once had a dream that some men were surroundin me, in a dark place… and they were gettin closer and closer… then I wake up, scared in bed… 3 to 4 weeks later, I was walkin to the mall to meet my bro there…suddenly…some guys on the street started runnin after me… it was around 9:30 p.m. and I was alone… I was just runnin and runnin, as soon as I got in I went to the nearist women’s bathroom and called my brother to come and pick me up from the bathroom lol,it was so scarey!! SO SO SO SCAREY!!! after that I stopped getting that dream… so you better be careful!!! it’s freaky, u’ll never know what happens!
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