Really good jokes

who knows any really good jokes :)

Answer #1

why did the chiken cross the road???

to prove to the squirell it could be done.

lame I know lol

Answer #2

Okay, so there’s this blonde, brunette, and a redhead out in the desert with a car. Their car breaks down and they can only bring one thing with them to survive. The brunette takes the engine to at least get something to drink from. The redhead takes all the seats to make a bed out of them. The blonde takes the car door. The other two ask why she takes the cardoor and she says, “I took the cardoor so in case it gets hot, I can just roll down the window.”

Answer #3

what co you call a blonde with a brain? A golden retrevier

She was sooo blonde that she stared at an orange juice carton 4 an hour because it said consintrait

How do you kill a blondes brain cells? you can’t theyre already dead

what do you call a white guy peeing? Europen

She was sooo blonde that when she say the sign that said “airport left” she turned around and went home

sorry if they’re crude

Answer #4

Hmmm..I have a few.. And two dirty-ish ones if you don’t mind.

Doctor: I have bad news and worse news to tell you. Man:Whats the bad news?? Docotr:The bad news is you have 24 hours to live. Man:OH MY GOD!!!…well, then what’s the worse news?? Doctor:Well…I forgot to call you yesterday…

A man walked into a hotel and when he turned to walk to the receptionist’s desk, his elbow accidently rammed into a woman’s breast. The woman looked appauled and so then man said “If your heart is as soft as your breast, than will you forgive me?” The woman replied back “If your d!ck is as hard as your elbow, meet me in room 124”

Q: What do coffins and condoms have in common?? A: They both hold something stiff and one is coming and one is going.

There was a bus of ugly people who got into an accident and all of them died. When they went to heaven, God let them have one wish. The first one asked if she could be gorgeous. After her, a man asked the same thing. So one by one they all asked the same thing and while this all happened there was a man at the end of the line who started to chuckle. The people kept on asking to be gorgeous, still, one by one. Then, the man started to laugh extremely hard until he almost started to cry. The line kept going and people kept wishing to be gorgeous. When it was finally his turn he chuckled a bit more and said “I wished them all ugly again!”


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