Ravewear ?

Me and my friends are going to a rave in april and have no idea what we’re gonna wear. We’re not buying it but we’re having it made for us. But we can’t wear anything revealing our bellies much (like the bra ones). Can anyone help us ?

Answer #1

tutu’s* (they skirt thingies)

Answer #2

tiara’s tut’s bright lumenous colours green and pink and GLOW IN THE DARK NECKLACES!

the more colour, the better.


Answer #3

You need to look for things that not only glow in the dark, but glow under UV black lights as well, most of the lights in a rave are black lights and you have to have certain materials to glow under those lights.

Neon Colors Tons of neon bracelets Pacifiers on necklace Neon Necklaces Glow in the dark body paint

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