If you had only one day to live, what would you do?

If you had only one day to live, what would you do?

Answer #1

I’d run. Around the world. I’d just run. I’d call everyone I know and tell this girl I love that I love her and try and recruit them all on my running spree and run as fast and far as I could in 1 day. Through the woods, across the beach, through the city, everywhere.

Answer #2

Dear ripstang2000, I would spend the day with my son and husband. I would probably eat a big chocolate cake and have a white bread sandwich: you see I can’t eat anything with wheat in it…LOL

Answer #3

try to spend it with family, close friends….and finally the gurl of my dreams…so before i died…id let her know how i felt

Answer #4

Type faster!!

Answer #5

o did i mention skydiving =]

Answer #6

Fall in love; Get hitched; Party; Croak. =]

Answer #7

i would probably go to Vegas, and if i get rich i’d give it all to charity and then spend the rest fo the day with my family =]

Answer #8

I will wake up in the morning..where I will kiss my parent hand and go to school.I will study in my class like nothing will happen..I will have lunch with my friend..when school time over..I will hug each of my friend..and I will tell them that I love them and im glad that I know them in my life..then I will go back home at 2.00 and I will go to my parent..I will hug them so tight and call my sister that now studying in australia I’ll apologize to her for being naughty brother..and I will tell her to take care of my parent…I will say write a ltter and hide it in my mum’s handbag and I will leave my home..and I will take flight to israel and meet my girlfriend..I will stay with her..I will take her to beach..I will hold her hand and never let her go..looks into her eyes like I always wanted..by the end of the day..before 12 in the midnyte..I will lay on bed with her..and I will tell her that I love her no matter what will happen..my love cant never change to her..and I will make her sleep inside my arm..and I will whispr to her everything..why im doing this..and I will kiss her forehead..and sleep..

-Naxzzy- bittersweetus_93@hotmail.com

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