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What is a radiologist like as a career?
A friend of mines dad was telling me that if a couldnt do anything in photography like I wanted, that I could do something like radiology? What is that? Do you do it at a hospital? Late bad hours? Lot of pay ? tell me everything…
A radiologist is a doctor who specializes in creating and interpreting images inside the human body, either by x-rays, sound waves, MRI’s, CT Scans, etc. He/she is trained to read/interpret these images in hospitals, clinics, labs, offices…and yep, the pay is good.
You could also be an X-ray technician and actually take the images for the radiologist to read. A friend of mine is a tech and she makes a good living. As for the hours she works, she is on staff at a local hospital and works from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Either profession is a good one…of course, to become a radiologist means you’d have to go to med school, but there are excellent shorter term programs for those who just want to be techs.
Good luck to you!
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