How do you quit bad habits and replace them with new/positive/healthy ones?

Answer #1

I guess that really depends on the bad habit. In general, you’ll need to have will power. Consciously remind yourself to either add the habit or take it out of your daily routine. Maybe make sticky notes or something to remind yourself. Eventually, it should become natural. Sorry that this is kind of broad!

Answer #2

For example, if you’re smoking and you want to quit, you can find a hobby to replace smoking. Eat healthy snacks like carrots, celery, etc. You could work out, anything to distract your mind from needing to pull out a cigarette. Instead of living on a routine life, you could change how you get home or to different places, and avoid going to where you get your fix for your bad habits.

Answer #3

whats the bad habit?

Answer #4

I think you ansswered your own thread posting. What you empty out you have to fill with something. Without knowing the habit your trying to break it’s in finding those things that are the opposite of the habit you are trying to break.

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