Do you rate your answers to your questions?

Do you rate your answers to your questions. I know, sometimes I forget. Carol

Answer #1

I dont ask too many questions, but yes I rate answers to other questions…

toadaly - uhm if you are serious, the yes/no under each answer rates it…

Answer #2

I guess I never even noticed there was a rating feature. Where is it?

Answer #3

I pick the top 3 answers to my questions and rate them.

Answer #4

im guilty of rating answers whether I agree with them or not. lol.

Answer #5

That’s weird. All of the rating things have been taken off. Must be a bug in the site. First time I’ve seen that.

Answer #6

Yeah I do…

Answer #7

I try to remember but nsometimes I just forget. That’s when I go back and do it later, so if you answer any of my questions, I will get around to rating them. I only rate the ‘yes’ ones though.Thnx

Answer #8

most of the time if I like an answer I rate it. but most people say “I agree with XXX” and dont rate answers.

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