Psyching myself out

Ok so I skate..

And im trying to get my popshoveit And I cant land very good And I kinda fall…

I keep trying to get it

But yesterday I busted my a$$ and now im like scared to even try it

And I keep psyching my self out and I cant even do it anymore

Its makeing me mad cause I know I wont get any better. But I like cant help it

What can I do to not freak out right before I jump up cause I just dont want to hurt my elbow anymore cause I almost broke it…but I want to get this trick???

Answer #1

I would try to put like a pillow over your a$$ around your waste. I’ve seen this many times in cartoons, and it seems to do the trick. When you fall, you will be protected by cottony goodness, and all will be well.

Answer #2

you have to stop thinking about the popshoveit as a bad thing. start being more positive. positivity may help boost up your confidence to do it. you just have to overcome the fear.

Answer #3

I used to be able to get pop-shuvits but I havent practices them in a while first you could wear elbow pads to protect them then you need to yes, clear your mind if your going to try a trick, stick with it because if you bail just before your a lot more likely to get hurt also, no pain no gain everyone is going to fall some time!

Answer #4

clear your mind before you do it, no matter how hard it is… clearing your mind is the easiest thing, you most likely won’t even have to think about what you are doing, just let your body guide you and think about the way you are in the present, not how or why you are scared… that works for me, anyway… I’m a gymnast and thats what I do every time I want to nail a flip.

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