Are you proud of your country?


Answer #1

Yes… why? Cause it’s awesome :)

Answer #2

i’m scottish…and proud :L I think all Scots are proud simply because we’re such a tiny country but we have achieved a lot. And…..we all love Braveheart ;DD lol

Answer #3

Yes! The USA is beastly!

Answer #4

(my country is Canada)

Answer #5

As much as i would love to say im proud of the United States…as a whole, im not. I am happy that i was born in a country that offers so much freedom, opportunities, and different cultures. However, im not proud that the majority of our country still does not recognize homosexuals as a true couple and denies their marriage, im not proud of the amount of people in our country who abuse our freedoms, rights, and the support and help offered to them. Im not proud that education wise we rank towards the bottom and as time goes on education seems to be less important to our citizins. Im not proud that a majorty of Americans also tend to feel they are superior to other countries and hold their heads higher - yet when asked about matters outside of our country they cant even discuss them because they are clueless. Im on the fence really… glad i live here, but i have no pride.

Answer #6

Yes I am. USA<3 Because we’re all amazing, of course.

Answer #7

Hell yes! And if I’m not proud about my Country I can just take a couple of narcotics that will make me happy – problem solved!

Go Colombia! WOO!

Answer #8

Mmm i live in the usa…im proud of it tooo because of all the freedom and rights you get.i could not ever imagine living in another country.

Answer #9

Just like Miguel, i’m Colombian. I am proud of my country. We are fighting one of the toughest wars against We are still happy and live good lives. We are trying to get kids better education. If i’m not wrong, they offered to make Colombia the host the Fifa World Cup once, but decided to use the money and funding to help kids get better education and to help fight the rebel forces. As of United States? I’m not as proud. It has made some stupid decisions and it’s trying to redeem itself. The reason I am not as comfortable here is because the racism and hate. Schools are extremely diverse, but in lunch tables all the white people sit in a set of tables in the corner of the cafeteria and so on. In Colombia, I did not see this anywhere! I’m tired of racism in this country, I’m tired of being called a Mexican and/or gang member.

Answer #10

Yes ! because its where I come from …

Answer #11

Sometimes. I was not proud when we illegally invaded Iraq. I was not proud when the Supreme Court appointed Bush as president. I was proud of the way my country came together after 9/11. I was proud when we elected the first African American president.

Pride can be a good thing, but many times it is not. It can cause you to ignore the negative aspects, which in turn makes you look like a hypocrite when you boast about how great your country is.

Answer #12

I’m a Nigerian and very proud of my country. We are not much but we love each other. We dont have much but we are happy..

Answer #13

Nope I’m not.

It’s kinda hard being proud of Germany. ;-)

Answer #14

yes i am

Answer #15

yes i am canada

Answer #16

At times I am not! Give the power back to the people…

Answer #17

I’ve thought about this, I’ve been to another country (Japan) and thought, wow this is so great everyone seems happy and its so peacful here.

     But every country has its pros and cons, In japan the females get treated like lesser beings when it comes to jobs, and theres no way an american would get hired there for the industry im going into. 

      Im not too fond of my country, but i live here and i have to make the best of it.
Answer #18

I think we should be ashamed of the level of corruption and return to what America started out as .

Answer #19

Im so pround to be scottish and glaswegian, i agree with emma like 95% of scots are proud of their country and i think it helped to shape the type of people we are like the fact that we are brutally honest and think we can take on anyone, and if you are mean about us then you are soooo in for a doing…:D

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