How to see private profiles on Myspace?

How to see private profiles with myspace?

Answer #1


Answer #2

if you don’t have an intelligent answer don’t post. If you did know anything about the internet or myspace you know there are loopholes and there are ways to go around. Just b/c your scared of someone that can crack the system doesn’t mean its impossible to crack the system. Your naive.

Answer #3

yea but this person sent me a message and I tried sending one back but its private and when I try to add them it just sends me back to my page?

Answer #4

question. I have someone on myspace that I could sue for slander. When I notified them of having pics that didn’t belong to them and that I could sue instead of deleting the stuff they just set their profile to private. I would just like to get in there and take the stuff off. Any Ideas?

Answer #5

The only way you are able to view a Private pro, is if you have permission by the individual whom of which this profile belongs to; this requires that you add them as a friend & that they have to accept this add. Before you are able to view the profile, because of the fact that they have chosen to remain a private profile, for what ever their reasons may be, this right of choice must be respected & taken into account. So, my suggestion would be to try and gain an approval, if they allow you, then you will be able to view their profile.

Answer #6

obviously, if the person’s profile is set to private, they dont want you to see their profile unless you are added as a friend. So request the person as a friend.

Answer #7

wow you are losers you cat view someone private pro

Answer #8

you Cant Unless you add that person. On myspace. and they accept you.

Answer #9

if anyone can give me any clues on how to do this please message me

Answer #10

cause you can just need 2 own basic skills and its easy trust me!!

Answer #11

U cnt, you have 2 have that person add you as a friend or sumthing

Answer #12

you are obviously looking at someones profile that has settings so you cant reply add or view so move on or you can try and google their user name Eg: with quotes “username” then check their friends they have posts of try it this may give you some more info to be closer to getting what you want

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