What are my chances of being pregnant?


I had my period Jan.10 - 16th.. and had unprotected sex a few times over the weekend. I get all jumbled up on the ovulation days and implatation and everything. Can someone please tell me what my chances are? And when approx. would I know if I am pregnant or not? I know a missed period would be helpful, which is in about 2 weeks. But that seems so far away! :-)

This is something we are bit hopeful on, but afraid to get our hopes up to much. Thanks.

Answer #1

It takes 10 days to concieve. After that take a pregnancy test. If it says neg wait a week or two and test again. Good luck!

hope I helped, xoxo :)

Answer #2

a missing period is okay but if you haven’t had a period 4 about 3 months you r pregnant! good luck.:(

Answer #3

Your most fertile days are likely Jan 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.

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