Pregnancy Information

So my friend might be pregers, she had sex twice; june this year and this month. so I’ve a few questions:

  1. does having an abortion cost a lot? How much?
  2. can you get an abortion without your parents finding out?
  3. during how many months can you get an abortion?
  4. after how many weeks do you start noticing a bump in your stomach?
  5. what are some of the symptoms of being preg?
  6. can you still have babies later in life if you get an abortion?
  7. And other info is appreciated.

Thanks so much :s xx

Answer #1
  1. does having an abortion cost a lot? How much?

Depends where you get it done. I believe (not 100% sure that at planned parenthood they ask about 800 dollars? Can anyone verify that?) But I believe in some government clinics you can get an abortion for much lower.

  1. can you get an abortion without your parents finding out?

If you are older then 12, yes you can, but I STRONGLY advise against it, it is a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly and emotionally usually messes up a young girl.

  1. during how many months can you get an abortion?

The safest is to get it below 3 months. You can get it up to being 5 months pregnant, but it is strongly advised against.

  1. after how many weeks do you start noticing a bump in your stomach?

Depends from women to women. That is why it is no conclusive way to tell whether you are pregnant. (some women show at 5 months others before that, others later then that - it also depends on the number of babies a women is expected)

  1. what are some of the symptoms of being preg? The same as for pms. Nausea, weight gain, mood swings, some women get headaches etc. Later in pregnancy frequent urination tends to occur. Never however rely on symptoms to determine pregnancy, it’s too risky for a mother and her baby to wait it out.

  2. can you still have babies later in life if you get an abortion?

Yes, most women that have had proper abortions (not backstreet ones) can have babies later in life. However a lot of them have trouble falling pregnant again and abortion MAY (not always the case) increase the chances of a woman miscarrying.

  1. And other info is appreciated. A great site for you to read through:

I want to mention that you get medical and surgical abortions. Furthermore doctors may refuse to give an abortion.

I also want to mention that there are other options beside abortion, like adoption or getting a family member to help raise the child. Abortion doesn’t have to be the first choice and can have a lot of emotional and possible physical consequences. So let your friend decide what is best for her in her situation, but tell her not to make a rash decision.

Also here is another site to read about the after effects of abortion:

Answer #2

1.) 10 years ago it was $200, but Planned Parenthood charges on a sliding scale so even if the full price was $800, if you don’t have money it will be much less. 2.) Depends on your state, but it is traumatic and you should have support - ideally you parents if possible.

For the rest see Ifeelcrazy above.

Good Luck!!

Answer #3

Abortion is wrong in so many ways. She should have the baby and put it up for adaption is she doesnt want the baby. Next time I hope that your friend thinks about using some kind of protection is she doesnt wanna get prengant again

Answer #4

I dont hink abortion is appropiate if your frnd didn want a baby then she should have used protection put it up for adoption or foster care if she don wann it.

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