Can sperm travel through clothes?

I really want to no if sperms can travel through clothes and if a girl can fall pregnant

Answer #1

Assuming the semen completely soaks through allowing the sperm a medium to travel, and the area is close enough to the vagina, yes it is possible.

However, this is incredibly rare.

Answer #2

it’s almost impossible…and normally once sperm hits air, it dies (therefore suggesting that you wouldnt be able to get pregnant)

Answer #3

yeah and why did you get sperm on your clothing?

Answer #4

While it is rare, it can happen.

Answer #5

Actually, it depends upon what one is calling “clothes” - if both people have on underwear, then they technically have on “clothes”. Enough goo in the guy’s underwear, thin enough fabric in the panties, greater chance of pregnancy than say, woman wearing cotton panties, with blue jeans over them - and guy wearing cotton underwear (yes, that he’s got goo in) along with blue jeans too.

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