What should I do about this prank call situation with the guy I like?

So my friend lets say her names Bob gave me and my friend the guy we all likes sisters number. So we “prank called” her (*67) a few times asking questions about her brother like Is he single? and stuff like that. Then when she asked who is this, we said Bob. Bob doesn’t know this and didnt and after school, the boy we liked messaged Bob saying that was creepy, she needs to stop before they call the police and he isn’t interested in her. Bob said that it was me and my friend calling his sister, but 2 minutes later sent a second message saying that apparently we said we didnt call his sister after all . Bob still thinks we didnt mention her name even though we did. What do we do?!?! Im scared to even see the guy i like again and i might see him on sunday.

Answer #1

Just get everyone together and tell the truth. People will be angry but you messed up, and that’s life. I’m sure Bob will get over it.

Answer #2

Tell the truth. Thats the best thing you can do :)

Answer #3

stop hiding the truth…if you like him, tell him… and then apologize to his sister for pulling that. you wasted her time, freaked yourself out and you have no idea if he even likes you or not.

So, gather up some guts and go talk to him… like big girls do. Dont harass his family to get info you can get out of him.

Answer #4

You admit to Bob what you did, for starters. What you did was wrong, and you need to say something before you actually get Bob in trouble for something she didn’t do. Everyone is thinking that Bob is a creep, which isn’t very nice. Fessing up is the mature thing to do, though.

When it comes to this boy, if he does know it was you, just say you’re sorry for doing it and that you weren’t sure how to approach the situation. If you talk to his sister first, tell her that. Let her know that you won’t do it again, and go from there.

Answer #5

You made a few prank calls, you’re a kid…I think. It’ll be forgiven and definitely forgotten. Not very memorable, a few girly prank calls.

Answer #6

You teens are so messed up! Why can’t you leave people the !@$# alone?!?!

Answer #7

lmao you stupidly get yourself into these dramatic, awkward situations and wonder “oooh what do I do?” “ how do I make it ok?” Youre on your own in this case I say. Deal with your own self inflicted problem.

Answer #8

honesty… hmm I bet you never thought of that.

Answer #9

Tell the truth

Answer #10

would you like a shovel? lol

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