Would you rather have the power to be invisible or the power to read minds?

Answer #1

To read minds, cuz then u know wat thr thinking, which cud b something differant than wat thr saying

Answer #2

hmm invisible because I would like to perv on people.


Answer #3

Invisibility….nobody should know what others are thinking…it’s not right

Answer #4

nice answer

Answer #5

yeah and also it would suck if you found out your friend was thinking bad stuff about you..

Answer #6

Well I think if they were really ur friend they wud b honest with u about wat thr thinking anyways, correct me if I’m wrong, I do understand wat u mean though so please don’t take my statement the wrong way :-)

Answer #7

@imlonely, I do like the idea of being able to know when someone is being dishonest and such, but consider hearing things you should never have to know. You would find so much pain and suffering from hearing people’s thoughts that it would drive you into despair…some things are berst left private :)

Answer #8

(best - not berst)

Answer #9

Although reading minds would be interesting I think it would be somewhat a bit too freaky. Minds are crazy! I would definitely choose invisbility. I could get up to a lot of mischief with that :P

Answer #10


Answer #11

Yes that is right Colleen u wud have to deal with that and it wudnt b pretty, u wud probably end up havein to live on a private island somewhere lol, maybe selective reading minds is a more appopriate answer, if u cud only do it when u want to. So Colleen u have converted me, I now choose to b invisibility :-)

Answer #12

yeah of course not my good best friends but just people who are friends and lol dont worry i didnt take your comment in a bad way :)

Answer #13


Answer #14

read minds because then I could be prime minister and know what the people really want

Answer #15

I find that a strange reason - the Prime Minister already knows what the people want…he just chooses to ignore it.

Answer #16

Lol Colleen just what I was about to say :P

Answer #17

invisibilty. I definitely would not want to read people’s minds. I am positive I learn stuff I did not want to know and its a serious invasion of people’s privacy.

Answer #18

Yeah I’m the same, if ur really my good friend ur not gonna lie about what u think about something, and thx for not take it the wrong way

Answer #19

He only knows what he’s been through with his experiences tbqh and doesn’t know what being poor feels like

Answer #20

Invisible (:

Answer #21

I would like to read minds, however only when I wished to. Being able to read everyone’s mind all the time would be annoying. Inadvisability, would be good to have in those tricky situations.

Answer #22

I’d choose invisible, the possibilities would be endless. Plus, I wouldn’t want to read minds, because if I could, I’d think someone else out there could, and if we were to one day meet, I’d rather have my thoughts to myself.

Answer #23

wow.that’s hard,ummm i guess to be invisible….

Answer #24


Answer #25

Read minds, because then I could be a seriously BA poker player.

Answer #26

I’d love to be able to be invisible sometimes. I think that, after a while, reading minds would get depressing. xD Some things are better left unknown.

Answer #27

read minds you can save lifes with mind reading

Answer #28

Invisible. You can spy on people,so you don’t even have to read minds.

Answer #29

I agree with Colleen :)

Answer #30

To be invisible, I don’t really care what other people think of me, and also, I would not like to have all this toughts in my head from everybody, especially all those people that are always thinking nasty… ugh…

Answer #31

though a lot of the times i just wanna know what people are thinking, i think if i really did know it wouldnt be that great. cuz if theyre thinking about how much they hate me or like idk…haha. being invisible is also kind of like that, you can eavesdrop on conversations. but also you can go places where you’re not supposed to be so id go with invisibility.

Answer #32

invisibility definately!

Answer #33

invisibility definately!

Answer #34

Reading minds would be more of a curse than a gift or power. Most people would drive themselves insane if they had that ability. You would never be able to control yourself. Everyone, and I mean everyone has bad, mean, dirty, perverted, immoral, and just plain funny thoughts. You would become addicted to reading minds without a doubt. You would probably become disconnected with the reality we all create for ourselves and walk around in, and you would focus completely on the ‘real reality’ where your actions are decided by the true thoughts of everyone around you. Definately a curse. Invisibility all the way.

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