Possibilities of being pregnant?

I had anal sex and we didnt use a condom so he cumed in my butt. right after I went to the bathroom. is there anyway that all of it didnt come out and I could be pregnant?

Answer #1

Dear fau, The chance of pregnancy comes from the sperm that may drip down onto the the vagina. So yes, there is always a chance of pregnancy with unprotected sex. You should never have anal sex without a condom. Fesses (poop) that is in your rectum can cause a very bad infection for both of you. STDs are spread very quickly this way as well. Sue…good luck

Answer #2

you should know this before you go off having sex but no, your vagina is the only place were you will fall pregnant peeing after sex doesnt make the sperm come out and even if it did, you dont pee from your butt!

Answer #3

what the world!! Go back to sex-ed class if you don’t even know the answer. If you have to ask that, then why are you even partaking in that kind of activity?

Answer #4

Wow…If you’re too young to understand where semen has to go to fertilize an egg, you are WAY too young to be having ANY kind of sex. Grow up a little bit before trying to ruin your life.

Answer #5

are you serious? if you don’t know how babies are made why are you having ANAL SEX? if some sperm found they’re way to your vagina opening and you were ovulating (meaning an egg was ready and waiting) the sperm will travel up your canal and fertalize the egg. there are no eggs in your bum.

Answer #6

Right now you need to be more worried about STD’s, theres a really high chance you could have caught one. Yeah, theres a small chance of pregnancy because his semen could have leaked into your vagina. You need to be using condoms at all times no matter if its anal sex or vaginal sex, I cant stress that enough. Book an appointment with your doctor to get checked.

Answer #7

omg! you cannot get pregnant threw your ANAL!!!

Answer #8

Wow your a girl and you dont know how babies are made..lol wow

Answer #9

you can’t get pregnant from anal. only if the pen!s ejaculates by the vag!na then yeh

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