Are the pornstars Charlie Sheen is sleeping with using him or is he using them or are they using each other? Does it even matter?

Answer #1

I think thr useing each other, and it doesn’t matter to me

Answer #2

I don’t really think it matters. If the pornstars are after his money, fine. If Charlie Sheen wants to sleep with pornstars, power to him. I don’t really care. I’m just tired of hearing it all the time.

Answer #3

Really his whole situation doesn’t matter to me. I really enjoyed the show and if they choose to continue it without him and a new person I won’t be watching it. I’ll just catch the reruns of before the “stuff” got to him.

Answer #4

I agree tired of hearing about it

Answer #5

I think they are all using each other. But deep down they all know that they are all using each other and being used themselves. I don’t know why the whole world is in such a fizz about it. He can do whatever he wants, I don’t really care…

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