Porn and Sluts

Do all those who are engaged in sex on the internet have the courage to face the world?I mean would they be confident enough to talk about what they do on the internet with other people like us or anyone else?

Answer #1

I don’t see anything wrong with being a Porn Star. It is a profession just like any other. They dont just go in - have sex - and get a lot of money for it. There is a lot of work and other things that go into the porn business. Also, it takes a very confident person and someone who is comfortbale with who they are - to be a porn star. So no - I dont think they would be ashamed to talk about it. One of my close friends was a porn star that I met when I worked at the stip club by my house - she was a very intelligent and confident woman and loved what she did.

Answer #2

I never said that ALL porn stars are like that. I will say that they are NOT all sexual abuse victims, drug addicts, or have low self esteem. Of course there will be women who are like that, people also think that strippers are all like that - when they are not.

I’ve worked in many strip clubs and met the women and became friends with them - NOT ALL of them had problems. Some just loved their jobs and loved showing their bodies. They didnt’ have drug problems, they weren’t sexually abused, and so on.

Answer #3

Correction for mandyloo: There is nothing wrong with being a porn star if that person is mentally healthy and making a good and conscious decision. The fact of the matter is, most women in the porn/hooker business have been abused as children are are not mentally in the right frame of mind to be making those decisions. Their motivation at that point can be from low self esteem and self destructive tendencies. I would argue that it takes someone with very low self esteem and low value of self worth to be a porn star. granted there are a few women out there who enjoy it, but majority of them not so much. Majority have been abused and are addicted to drugs. The fact is, its a natural tendency to detach yourself from your sexual freedom after abuse and to incite incidences where it will happen again. Because of their low feelings of self worth many women begin to believe that all they are good for is to be a hole to f*uck. So they start acting on it and getting into drugs porn and prostitution. I think mandyloo is very naive to think that everyone in the porn industry is happy with themselves and what they are doing.

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