What is the point of Twitter?

Answer #1

Through twitter, though, you can learn about things that you wouldn’t have otherwise heard about.

1.I have heard about many, many useful papers
2.I’ve gained funding for a major international meeting through a scheme I learned about on twitter
3.I’ve learned about important online discussions involving researchers in my field
4.I’ve made connections to scientists in other countries who I have never met in person, with academics working in other disciplines and with school teachers..:)
Answer #2

Twitter is used to let people know what you are up to.

Answer #3

To tweet people and to read others tweet to get more followers :P

Answer #4

To find out stuff about your favourite celebrities, and tweet about yourself and your interests. Also, you don’t get stupid crap or half naked chicks in your newsfeed like you get on Facebook.

Answer #5

Tew keep ppl updated with what yewr doing and to find out about what otherz are up to too! ^_^ It’s kind of like Facebook but with JUST statuses and you don’t haft to be spammed with a bunch of sh*t posts/pictures. In my opinion twitter is less complicated, easier to manage and cleaner than FB. [x

Answer #6

twitter lame its like another facebook

Answer #7

To use #hashtags and be cool like that

Answer #8

The Twitter CEO says: “We want to instantly connect people everywhere to what’s most important to them.”

Answer #9

I just joined Twitter recently. I never saw the point of it either, but now I love it! Facebook is great to keep up with your friends, but Twitter is really nice to keep up to date with your favorite celebs. They post much more on Twitter than Facebook.

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