What does PMSL mean, and what does "tongue in cheek fun" mean? Or something like that -_-

Answer #1

Pi$sing myself laughing, and tongue in cheek just means that it’s sarcastic, funny, not meant to be serious. I think it’s derived from “bite your tongue”, but there are other theories out there.

Answer #2

Thanks :3

Answer #3

Heaven summed it all up in a nutshell….Sorry about that Connor, I keep forgetting this is an American website and tend to use a lot of our Aussie slangs without realising most members do not even understand the words or abbrevations…… I should start learning American jargons and slangs :)

Answer #4

lol it’s okay XD but….What the hecks a jargon -_- lawlz

Answer #5

jargon is another word for slang or if someone is using words which is field specific eg: a computer nerd may use IT jargon (words) which only PC nerds will understand.

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