Pledge of allegiance

I got in trouble today for not reciting, or standing for the pledge of allegance, and I totally am NOT going to detention, so what do I do?

Answer #1

Nobody should say the Pledge of Allegiance.

First if all, it is stupid to pledge your allegience to a piece of cloth. Why should we pledge allegiance to a symbol of our country. I could see promising to uphold the constitution or our nation’s highest ideals but pledging to a piece of cloth is silly.

What the heck does “One nation under God” mean? Do people believe we are the only nation under God and that other nations are under Satan? Like others pointed out, this makes the loyalty play a religious proclimation.

Is it really indivisible? Look at how polarized our nation has become.

Does it have liberty and justice for all? Considering the fact that an innocent man with a bad lawyer is a thousand times more likely to go to prison than a guilty man with a clever lawyer how can we say we have liberty and justice for all? You get as much justice as you can afford.

Doesn’t it seem a little ironic to force people to proclaim they are free?

Don’t say the stupid pledge. If you get in trouble for not reciting the pledge give the good folks at the ACLU a call. They should be able to help you out.

Answer #2

im never saying the pledge, I dont beleive in god, and I dont beleive in the republic, and dont pull the old “well its what made this country great, and if you dont like it go back to where you came from”, im native my people were here longer than the republic, and christianity.

Answer #3

for some its against their religion they cant make you say something its called freedom of expression

Answer #4

Its a free country. You’re free to NOT do it. And actually I believe its illegal for your school to punish you for not cooperating. Better double-check though…

Answer #5

Wow, I think you should get your parents to talk to your principal because thats just ridiculous if they are going to punish you for saying something that you don’t truly mean.

Answer #6

I should have mentioned that Jehova’s Witnesses do not pledge allegiance to the flag. A girl I went to school with was a JW and always remained seated when everyone else said the pledge.

Of course all of the other kids teased her and told her that if she didn’t love her country she should move to Russia (cold war era) but she stuck to her guns.

One thing I point out is that even if saying the pledge is voluntary anyone who opts out of the pledge ends up being singled out. That is the reason it should not be said at all in schools. There is no evidence that saying the pledge makes anyone a better citizen. Since it is a ritual most people just go through the motions without really thinking about anything in it.

Answer #7

I don’t think you need to recite the pledge but you do need to stand while others are reciting it. It is a matter of courtesy and a sign of respect. It does not signify that you “agree” with everything about the country but does indicate that you respect it and will abide by its laws.

Answer #8

Tell them your Canadian.

…or Communist. That’ll be funny. Be sure to have a video camera running.

Answer #9

You don’t have to say it. They put God in it and that was wrong, so I think anything goes.

Answer #10

you dont have to say it. who cares what you do. your teacher or whatever must be like realy crazy.

Answer #11

umm… do you WANT to live in America?! if so, respect your country and SAY THE PLEDGE! if not, do live in russia or wherever

Answer #12

I don’t say it I don’t even stand up. but I never got in trouble

Answer #13

it better to serve a detention then to disobey god. I dont say the pledge either

Answer #14

say the pledge of alliegance, duh. back up your nation dude.

Answer #15

Tell them your Canadian.

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