How do I deal with all that he puts me through?

okay. i really have no idea where to begin. well, theres this boy. ive had wicked strong feelings for him for about a year now. it started out real simple. then i started to get to know him more and talked to him a few times. we kinda became friends, and like 7 months later, things got more complicated. it was kinda obvious that i liked him now, and my best friend kept teasing him about itt. he would deny it, of course, and say he had a girlfriend, which he did. then one night, about a week later, he texted my best friend, and told her him and his gf broke upp. she was like okay? and then he said he liked someone else. my friend asked if it was me, and he said yeah. everything seemed perfect. it was the happiest moment of my lifee. until he cheated on me with his ex. then we went back out and broke up and alomost went out again, but i figured he still liked his ex. which he did and he went out with her again. i really dont think he can stay single cuz he went out with another girl right after him and that girl. and about a few weeks ago, he started going out with my bestt friend. the one from a year ago, when she got me and him togetherr. everyone knew how much i liked him, and im sure she could tell i wasnt over him cuz i cried when he asked her outt. she even kne wi was crying, but anyway, he broke up with her because he needed a “break” after about 3 weeks, and because he says she didnt talk to him, which she did. but she got the impression that he still liked her, and we went over his house the other day to hang out and go to a football game. she volunteered to go to this restarant and serve crap, and she couldve asked me if i wanted to do it, but she didnt and he asked me if i still wanted to go and i said yeahh. so we called another friend up who is a guy and we went. the whole time, the boy i havent gotten over in a year now was flirting with me a lottt. like seriouslyy. i like him soo muchh, more than ive ever liked anyone. and these feelings arent going to just go away. its more than just a crush. and when my friend isnt there, it really seems like he likes me, but when she is, he mostly flirts with her. i just dont get him at all. and maybe he really likes her, but flirts with everyone else. idk? im so confused, but i love him to death. and its been hell dealing with all of this, but i just keep telling myself it will be alright after something bad happens. it never gets better.. all i want is him. but my best friend is prolly gunna go out with him again and its gunna hurt even worse. i dont know what to do. i cry about it every night. sometimes i think maybe its better to stay just friends and never tell him how i reallyfeel. i could never tell my friend and dont tell me to just get over him cuz its not gunna happen like that! trust me, its been a yearr. so anyone got advicee??

Answer #1

Umm.. I know I should probably read your entire paragraph… but..

First of all, you should have NEVER gone back out with him once he cheated on you.. especially with his ex…

I understand that your feelings are very, very strong for him, but you must do everything in your power right now to avoid him. At least until your feelings are directed towards a different guy or you’re over him. It’ll happen eventually, trust me..

You can’t say that you’re in love with him. How much do you REALLY know about him? Love is something that grows continuously throughout your relationship with someone. It’s not something that is just THERE completely and stays the same.

This guy sounds like a real big jerk. No matter how much you like him, if you go out with him again (which I hope you won’t), he will only hurt you again in the end. Why spend all these moments in your life being hurt by some guy? Go find a guy that will treat you right, and be honest! Someone worth your time and energy! Relationships are hard work, and if you are with someone who isn’t willing to put in the efforts.. the relationship WILL fail. Find someone new.

Answer #2

He cheated. He’s a player, that makes YOU a piece of meat, nothing more. You love him to death? That means you have pisspoor taste in men (cough boys). Drop him, move on, have a little self-respect.

…dont tell me to just get over him because its not gunna happen like that! trust me, its been a year…

Oh… well… I guess you can just continue to fawn over him, and pisss away the rest of your teenage years.

Answer #3

Oh, and any guy who needs a “break” after THREE FREAKING WEEKS of dating… is NOT READY FOR A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP OF ANY KIND. End of story.

He’s a PLAYER.

Answer #4

ok first this is crazy he is a player i know the type hell my best friend is one…I dated him twice && u know y bcause ur guy && my best friend are adsactly the same they know just how to make u feel so that u like them than once theres something else they leave its just how sum ppl are so advice dont go out with him he will dump u again && it will b even worse feeling than the first so gurly thers tons of guys out there that are better than him && will treat u rite trust me I know gurly i deff know wat ur going through almost adsactly the same thing happened to me but now ive found the worlds best bf ever! so stay strong gurl!

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