Please stop pornography!!!

I think the porn films should be banned in internet. It is spoiling millions of children who are hooked to internet. Many children are extremely addicted to porn. What do you think?

Answer #1

I agree with you Woahhh, I feel that porn is degrading to the women who choose not to live their life showing off everything they have to millions of people. That these girls actually choose to do this for a living just appalls me!! I’m sure they may be extremely nice girls (look at Mary Cary on Celebrity Rehab last year. That’s my story and I’m stickin with it!!! (: That’s my opinion and although others may disagree with it, that’s their right. But, my opinion I am voicing is not putting blame on a group of people who have totally different beliefs and lumping us all together as one big mistake making lot of idiots!

I feel that people who don’t have kids shouldn’t be so quick to blame parents for everything that is wrong with kids today. Why is it always the parents fault!?? Oh, I know why—because you’re not a parent and have absolutely NO IDEA what we go through trying to raise a child correctly so that they turn out to be respectable citizens!!! you have no idea (and MikeH, this ones for u—esp if you DON’T have kids yourself) how many hours we sit in front of the tv talking about what we have seen and whether it is wrong/right, what we learned from it, either (+) or (-). How many times have we explained what something was that we saw on youtube or myspace or what was wrong with something someone said and that using the “c” word is NEVER appropriate no matter how many people have it as part of their screen name!!(Can you believe that! It’s considered cool now to degrade yourself by having that word as part of your identity!) The long hours spent talking about drugs and alcohol. Not how evil they are and only bad people do them. But how much they can harm your body and even good people can become addicts!! How alcohol and drugs decrease your inhibitions and how you are more likely to do something, while you r under the influence of either, that you would never dream of doing while sober. Going to school on Monday and all of your friends telling you about all this stuff you did, but you don’t remember ANY OF IT!!! Don’t lump all parents together because not all of us are idiots!!! Better yet, if you are under the age of about 25 and have no children, or a child who does not live with you 24/7—then you shouldn’t be giving advice AT ALL because you have NO IDEA OF WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT!! You may feel that a parent SHOULD do this or that, but not being a parent you have nothing to draw from, only your beliefs of what a parent should be doing!!!

I know it sounds rough and even bi**hy, bit I’m tired of hearing how parents are the blame for everything kids do wrong. As a parent, we can only talk to them and teach our children right from wrong. If we are doing this (and granted not all parents are good parents) and they go and do things according to how they feel or peer pressure how can we be blamed??

Answer #2

Having a different skill set than a previous generation does not mean that the children are any smarter or dumber than those that came before. Knowing how to send an email is not a measure of intelligence.

When adults take action to “protect” children from harmful materials, they do so by and large to make themselves feel better, not keep their children from being harmed. A parent’s role should be to give their progeny the tool and skill necessary to deal with and learn from the things that they will encounter as they grow, not to keep their experiences limited to only those things that parents find positive. Blocking channels, internet sites, restricting their behavior, condemning drugs and alcohol and sex as evil and dangerous, this only serves to enhance the mystique of the forbidden and does nothing to teach them how they should behave when they encounter those situations.

Porn happens. It always will. Explaining what children are looking at and why it exists in the first place is key. Trying to hide it will only serve to increase the child’s fear and confusion when they do discover it.

Answer #3

I think in general most kids arent addicted to porn… There’s a difference between watching it and being addicted to it… Also, kids may have access to porn, but being able to regularly access it can only be done if a parent allows it… If your kids have a problem, get them help, and keep the computer out of their rooms…

Answer #4

I think it should be banned. It’s demeaning to women and give men the wrong idea about sex.

Answer #5

there are enough programs to stop kids from getting porn off the net… even firefox and Internet explorer have them built in

P.S im not sure you can stop a billion dollar profit from halting ;)

Answer #6

…maybe the parents should put restrictions on their TVs and computer so the children wont have access to it, it’s not hard. If a child manages to get addicted to porn then the parents took a wrong turn somewhere.

Answer #7

Nowadays Steph, the kids know more about computers than most of their parents. Everybody is always quick to judge the parent but sometimes what it really comes down to is computer savvy (in this case) of “my” (used in general for all parent)kid OR one of their friends! From what I understand parental controls are easy for a lot of kids to figure and I guess “over ride” or whatever, and do what they wish while it stays intact. My (mine) does not have knowledge nor do any of her friends—thank goodness!! But, I wonder what’s in store for us when HS rolls around.

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