Pitch problems

I’m the lead vocals of a rock band and I sound terrible…I know my problems

  1. don’t sing loud enough
  2. knowing when to come in
  3. I can’t keep pitch while hold notes the first two problems I found a way to solve them, but I still can’t hold notes Our first song is holiday by greenday…any advice to keeping pitch while holding notes
Answer #1

For number one: Push from your stomach, open your mouth more and make sure your throat is open the whole time your singing. For number two:Have the band play the sing a couple times without you singing and each time you will hear when to come in, Once you learn how the music sounds when you come in then trying to start singing. For number three:Basic thats because your not getting enough air to hold it, Before you hold the note take air into your stomach then push at the air slowly while holding the note. Practice your scale at home with a piano or keyboard. This will help you to go higher so you dont have to worry about cracking. If you start to crack while holding a note it means you have to hieghten your octive. If you do this then most likely you’ll be a good singer.

anymore questions funmail me… I can help you, im a singer myself =)

~Future Star~

Answer #2

Oh yeah and about number one… Make the sound go out, like when your pushing the air up from your stomach and out your mouth while your singing make sure your singing out at them, dont hold anything in.=)

Answer #3

hi I can tell you that practice makes perfect my name is ameena

Answer #4


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