What are some unusal piercings?

What are some unusal piercings???

Answer #1

well there are these

Answer #2

the one that goes horizontally across your eyebrow bridge.. :/ OUCH.

Answer #3

hip piercing?

Answer #4

ummm… I saw someone pierce there butt before…I think he was off his rockers but he did it ^^

Answer #5

microdermal anchors on each side of your upper chest SO cute, I have them and I LOVE them

Answer #6

Eyebrow piercing (that’s the best I got) Nose rings Snakebites Angel bites Tongue piercing

Also I don’t know how common or realistic this is but I remember seeing on a TV show this guy was unafraid of pain, and he had all these rings on his back and arms and face. He had about 6 or seven piercings in each ear.

Answer #7

microdermal anchors on each side of your upper chest I have them and I LOVE them they’re so cute and no one has them ..except me:)

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