Piercing My monroe

Okayy so I pierced my lip myself and I didnt hurt but my problem is that I’m not sure what side to do my monroe on because my lip piercing is on the left and I dont think I should 2 piercings on the same side. any suggestions?

Answer #1

well a monroe piercing is ONLY on the left side. a piercing on the right is called a madonna. they’re each to resemble the beauty marks, monroe had hers on the left, as madonna had hers on the right.

anyway, although I agree, you shouldn’t do it by yourself, I think you should do it on your right side. but in my opinion, a lip and a madonna/monroe piercing is too much on the face. it’ll probably look weird with the piercings so close to each other..


Answer #2

you should NEVER be an IDIOT and pierce it yourself there are many things that could go wrong also if you cant be bothered to get a hole in your flesh professionally pierced you shouldn’t be getting one AT ALL a piercing is a wound and there’s a lot more to piercing than just stabbing yourself with a needle

Answer #3

yea I have a hollow needle and I’ve done this piercing to my friends before and it turned out fine im just nervous about doing it for myself. and I’ve done like 10 of my own piercings.

Answer #4

doing a monroe yourself is a lot more dangerous than your lip. there are veins you could hit, and because the flesh is thicker more complications can arise. are you even using a hollow needle?

Answer #5

Yeah, do it on the other side so it won’t look soo .. Piercy, lol.

Are you planinq on doing it yourself again? Ouchh.

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