Should I show my pics on websites

Should I show my pics on websites like this one???

Answer #1

Its totally up to you as long as you are aware that no matter where online you put them you are opening yourself up to b!tchynes from other people and sleazy comments from some pretty… “interesting”? guys.

Answer #2

sure you can do my brother warned me against it! I don’t really know why so to be on the safer side I removed mine,but I don’t know the implications.and also if you feel you can stand all stupid statements then sure do!! go ahead

Answer #3

sure you can do my brother warned me against it! I don’t really know why so to be on the safer side I removed mine,but I don’t know the implications.and also if you feel you can stand all stupid statements then sure do!! go ahead

Answer #4

just be ready for the positive and negative comments that comes with it

Answer #5

If you dont mind criticism like the unacceptable abusive comments you have already added to another members pic. :)

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