physical break

so, my boyfriend and I have been dating for a little over two years now and have known each other for a little over ten. so, the other day we were joking around about this and somehow it got turned into being something that we’re both actually wanting to do, but pretty much we’re going to take a PHYSICAL break from each other. we only see each other once a week, so we’re still going to see each other but we’re not allowed to touch each other AT ALL for a month. it’s not really a break I guess, because we’re not taking a break and POSSIBLY getting back together or anything like that, but we’re just taking a break to make the emotional part of our relationship even stronger than it already it. so pretty much, I guess I’m just asking of what people out there think about it. does it sound stupid or like an actual good idea?

Answer #1

hm I had something similar liek that happen to me. there was this while I was scared our relationship was going too fast and was going to become only physical, then we decided to ake a break for a month and I realized I loved him. so in the end it did good for us emotionally. I honeslty dont know if its a good idea or not, it worked for mine but…? lol and we only lasted a week and a half.

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