What is the philosophical, real meaning of life?

Just curiousss.

Answer #1

I don’t think there is an answer for that . .

Answer #2

42…..its only funny if u know wht thts frm lol:)

Answer #3

There are many answers to this question. People part of a religion might say that their religion is the meaning of life. If you look at the Christian religion, a Christian would probably say that the meaning of this life is to prove you’re worthy of heaven by following Jesus Christ. On the other hand, scientists say that the meaning of our lives have only procreational value. There are many great philosophers who have pondered this same question. The most interesting ones are the ones who try and create meaning of life without the influence of religion. I suggest reading some of Socretes’s works. He had some interesting ideas as to what the meaning of life could be. As for me… I think each person makes their own meaning in life. I think to find the meaning of your life , you have to find what makes you happy in life. Afterall… One should not fear death. One should fear the unlived life.

Answer #4

Make new life ……….. god knows . 1 peni’s can give all the women on this earth a child ……….

Answer #5

I was going to say the same thing. Very funny book…


Answer #6

Our biological imperative is to survive and to pass on favorable traits. The rest is up to us. Humans seem to be unique among animals in that we can appreciate the sublime. To me the highest calling of man is dedication to truth, beauty, and justice. However, as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs points out we need to ensure our own basic needs before we have the luxury of appreciating and producing the sublime.

Answer #7

This is no meaning of life. We’re here and that’s all there is to it. There’s no reason. No meaning behind it. A series of incredible coincidences some billions of years ago, caused life to begin and that’s all there is to it.

Answer #8

you disappoint me. sad face ):

Answer #9

you disappoint me. sad face ):

Answer #10

i like how you tie it in with psychology. pretty neat. i digg psychology, honestly. it’s pretty interesting.

Answer #11

i wrote a whole nice, long comment to this and it’s not showing up. awesome.

Answer #12

i wrote a whole nice, long comment to this and it’s not showing up. awesome.

Answer #13

It’s 42. Don’t believe me? Google it.

Answer #14
  • In Platonism, the meaning of life is in attaining the highest form of knowledge by pursuing good with philosphical reasoning. It assumes that it’s human nature to carry on in this this pursuit.
  • Atistotelianism- A person could not just study virtue to be virutous, they have to both study and practivce it. *Cyniscism- living a life of Virtue that agrees with Nature. Happiness depends upon being self-sufficient and master of one’s mental attitude; suffering is consequence of false judgments of value, which cause negative emotions and a concomitant vicious character. I think this is long enough so i wont mention all the others. See how smart i sound, yeah i got it off wikapedia lol. If you want more info, look there:). Also i dont get how 42 is the answer of life, i really want to know though:D so if someone could explain, that would be much appreciated thx:)
Answer #15

to live

Answer #16

Psalms 115:17,18 states:”The dead themselves do not praise Jah,nor do any going down into silence.But we ourselves will bless Jah from now on and to time indefinite.Praise Jah, YOU people!”Is that mean that we are here to praise God?What do you think?

Answer #17

Doing what God called us to do. Tell other people about the wonderful love of God and save as many souls as possible, including ourselves. (:

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