What do you call a person that does not believe in any religion?

Its not atheist

Answer #1


Answer #2

Agnostic… I’ll check it out at the dictionary.

Answer #3


Answer #4


Answer #5

no atheist is that you dont believe in what the bible says, and what only the bible say.

Answer #6

It’s all from old greek. The “a-“ syllable means “without”. Theos is the word for god. The “gnostic” word is for faith/belief.

An Atheist is someone who does not have any god. They could still believe in magic, ghosts or psychic phenomena. An Agnostic is one who does not have a religion.

There are several different definitions of both words though.

Answer #7

Atheist or agnostic. Atheist is not only not believing in the bible, it is not believing in any religion or any sort of a deity.

Answer #8


Answer #9

I’m pretty sure it’s an Athiest or Agnostic because they don’t believe in any God of any kind. Not just Jesus or “God” or “The Bible”. Every religion has a Bible they’re just called different names and say different stuff. I’m an athiest because I don’t believe in any Gods of any form in any religion.

Answer #10

non demnominational??? i dont really follow religions. But i do believe in God and he is my savior

Answer #11

Jesus is my savior

Answer #12

Agnostic is where you aren’t sure there is any God or that they don’t interfere with our lives at all if they do exist. They don’t have any form of religion and basically go on as athiest. They just don’t really care if there is or isn’t.

Answer #13

i call them FREE BIRDS :) with free minds :D

Answer #14

Well if you want to get technical then an athiest is actually someone who rejects a particular God. I would call someone without a relgious belif to be an nonthiest.

Answer #15

Sane and rational….

Answer #16

I wouldn’t attribute being rational with a nonthiest or sane. Theist or non thiest you can still be Unsane.

Answer #17

It was a joke… the term is atheist. And what is unsane?

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