What happens if a person mixes MDMA and LSD together and takes them?

Answer #1

I see :)

Answer #2

Candy Flipping huh ◔◡◔

Answer #3

It sounds like fun.

Answer #4

Hmm, you sure?

Answer #5

The exact detaily of what happens depend on the persons health, as well as quality, dose and mix ratio of the stuff.

But this I can tell you: The results are hardly predictable except that it is an extremely dangerous experiment and it definitely will be unhealthy for the person taking it.

Answer #6

It sounds like uncontrollable bad trip with mega-hangover and permanent brain damage.

Answer #7

It sounds like something that I would like… You don’t have to agree, just dont respond back to me.. Kay? Bye.

Answer #8

Not really “sure” - hence the adverb “probably”. But I believe it is a statistical fact that a high proportion of “drug abusers” end up in one or other of those institutions.

Answer #9

It’s your life, sweetie. You can do with it whatever you like. Just don’t say I diodn’t warn you.

Answer #10

I’d say that would depend on your location… Come to my city you’d have a different opinion.

Answer #11

Haha, sure.

Answer #12

Spoken like a true idiot.

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