Why is it when a person decides to giving nothing but a honest view are they often labeled as an asshole or worse?

Why is it when a person decides to giving nothing but a honest view are they often labeled as an asshole or worse?

Answer #1

Some people can not take honest views or views different from their own.

Answer #2

You honest view may be immoraly wrong and unacceptable. Unless its pure facts, but most of the time its opinion

Answer #3

There are shades of honesty. Yes there are (just being honest). Honesty is one thing, but there is also forthright, outspoken, and blunt. In the wrong setting, like in most personal situations, those sharper edges of honesty are, frankly, just rude. Of course, if we’re talking about saving lives, then forthright, outspoken, and blunt is the correct action. But otherwise it is often better to say something less annoying and usually best to say nothing at all.

Answer #4

but what you describe isn’t as much total honestly as suger coating the truth which is to paint it up as a lie

Answer #5

There are ways of giving an honest truth. One can be either rude, or the other respectful. Like if a girl asks whether or not you like a certain dress on her. You don’t like it on her, you could either say “It doesn’t look good on you” or “Hell no, that dress makes you look like sh!t”.

Answer #6

because the truth often hurts. When someone gets through their denial and accepts that hurtful truth, they will finally get to grow. All thanks to that asshole. You are doing the world a great service. Keep it up John C!!!

Answer #7

Tell me about it! I tell someone that piercing themself at the age of 15 without the correct knowledge would be a stupid thing to do and I’m deemed an asshole and obnoxious!

Answer #8

Honesty usually requires and explanation and some tact. People are used to having things “sugar coated” and are caught off guard with bluntness. You won’t be called an ass hole if you explain yourself tactfully and respectfully. Keep in mind that one person’s honesty is “they’re” honest opinion, but not necessarily the truth in every case, or at least not to everyone.

Answer #9

An afterthought: Here’s some “honesty” for ya: You know John, it’s obvious that you ask questions and make comments sometimes that seem to be with the intent of offending someone or stirring up a shit pot. Issues like God or abortion. You’re rude about it. How do you expect people to react?

Answer #10

with an open mind lacking the rigid structure of a box. nd to sugarcoat things is to lie.

Answer #11

I aggree that sugar coating is lying, but there is a difference, a fine line maybe, but still a difference between sugar coating and being tactful.

Answer #12

Crikey! What an obnoxious asshole Gobby…….er,I mean Gabby.Ha,Ha,Ha,……..just having a larf !! ….All the best,

Answer #13

Crikey! What an obnoxious asshole Gobby…….er,I mean Gabby.Ha,Ha,Ha,……..just having a larf !! ….All the best,

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