Answer #1

I wanted to make some extra money and was wondering if people trusted ads in newsagents etc? Like if I were to put and advert in a shop window would people take notice or not? x

Answer #2

if they need a babysitter then they will call… also try some fliers on cars, in mailboxes and bulletin boards around the neighborhood…also you can try the cleaners, the grocery store and the nearest coffee shop!

hope this helped & good luck!

Answer #3

thanks temptress x

Answer #4

Well, it’s hard to say whether or not people would actually read the ad in the shop window, because some people don’t bother and they just walk on by. Some stop and read them though. So, if you do decide to put up an ad in a shop window, here are a few tips.

  1. Make sure you have permission from the shop owner to place you ad on their property.

  2. When making the ad, make sure you make it noticeable, large, bold, red print.

  3. Make sure you put your phone number so people that are interested can contact you. I recommend writing your number sideways along the bottom of the paper, then cutting a slit in between each phone number, then people that are interested can tear a number off the bottom to take with them so they can remember the number. =]


Answer #5

no problem sweetie…glad to help anytime! :)

Answer #6

watch the movie Babysitter Wanted. It’s at redbox… Lol.

–um no seriously,you can put up an ad. And if people need/want you then yeah. But be careful. —Also if you go to church or something you can let people know you are looking for a babysitting job. But if i were you i’d look for something else. No adays if you are babysitting a child and they so much as get a bruise under your care,the parents can sue you. I’ve heard about that in the news. Be careful.

Answer #7

now adays*

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