what do people do once they are online?

Answer #1

Come to FunAdvice :) I work on here too, but alas, FA consumes the other half of my internet time.

Answer #2

*Ah, and by “I work here”, I mean on the internet, not on FA…just so I don’t spark confusion.

Answer #3

Usually FunAdvice. But if not then probably FaceBook, MySpace, LiveJournal, etc. Online reading, IM-ing friends. All that good stuff.

Answer #4

Check e-mails, the web-site “Vinyl Engine”, “FunAdvice” (of course) and listen to Brother R. G. Stair on the “OvercomerMinistry” site. Many other sites too numerous to mention here.

Answer #5

I usually go on twitter, funadvice, gmail, and meebo.

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