why do you think some people are so forgiving?

Answer #1

mayb they have just a soft heart and cant really hold anything against anyone

Answer #2

I am forgiving because I am a strong believer in the golden rule. Do onto others and you would want done onto you.

Answer #3

Honestly (and this has been researched and proven), forgiveness is for your own benefit, not for the other persons. It is a much healthier way to live life. Now, this is different from say being understanding and allowing it to happen over and over again. If someone is cheated on and they continue to allow it, well they’ve got issues. Could you maybe be more specific or give examples?

Answer #4

Forgiveness is a blessing to have and a quality not most ppl have. If you think about it why do most ppl end up breaking up or divorsing b/c they cant forgive and sometimes we need that im not saying let everything slide and forgive all but it is nice to have forgiveness in our hearts.

Answer #5

It’s easier to forgive than walk through life carrying a load of bitterness and pain.

Answer #6

Some people are more forgiving than others, but usually if someone loves and cares about you enough, they’ll forgive you because they don’t want to lose you.

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