Why do people get so attached to others?

Answer #1

Because it’s human nature? Why wouldn’t they? No man is an island.

Answer #2

Because they want someone to love, that loves them back. And when they think they found that person, they don’t want to let them go.

Answer #3

Human beings have evolved into social creatures. As such bonding is important.

Answer #4

Ty, is attachment considered ‘’unhealthy’’? I’m curious..

Answer #5

Because people are weak and are afraid of being alone. Same reason why religion is so popular.

Answer #6

its love,nobody wants to be alone

please answer its importan [link removed]

Answer #7

because people want to be with someone and have people arround them its rubbish when people leave tho :’(


Answer #8

No. Actually it is the most important thing in the first few years of a person’s life. Without a secure attachment to a primary caregiver, people tend to have serious issues later on. Just search for Bowlby’s Attachment Theory. They (psychologists) focus mainly on babies, but they do talk a little about later attachment.

Answer #9

Because they are mentally weak and have an irrational fear of eternal solitude.

Answer #10

Because people are weak and they need someone to love them. People need to learn that the only person they need to love them is themselves. Independence is strength, i learned that a long time ago. If you love someone with all your heart then you risk having it shattered. Thets why you save a piece of it for yourself, so youll always have self respect.

Answer #11

Ask yourself this, “Why do people try to push others away?” It’s essentially the same type of question, but in a different direction.

Bonding with another individual is important for the person to thrive. I remember in Child Development I learned that children who have parents that do not bond with them, end up growing up differently. The bonding process helps strengthen the neural connections of the brain in a baby and increases the development of certain abilities such as vision and speech. Not having this bond, can decrease these traits, and well, you should watch this documentary about a woman who didn’t get them and she ended up mute and blind.

As a child gets older and becomes a teen and young adult, the importance of being with someone increases. They took those same bonding characteristics that their parents gave them and try to use it on others. Also, people feel that being happy means you have to be with someone, even a friend. There’s a quote similar to that, and it says “Not having company, makes people insane.”

This same view can also be looked at from a different angle. People who don’t grow up with any type of bonding relationship end up being lonelier and independent in situations. They tend to feel that no one was ever there for them and therefore, they shouldn’t rely on other people to make them feel happy.

Just my opinion. :D

Answer #12


Answer #13

Kk irational21, more powerful? What the f*ck are you talking about? You are comparing being independent with being unionized. Independence is a characteristic, not a relationship status! You can be independent but be in a relationship as well DUMBASS!…(lol)… Being independent doesnt mean being a loner. It just means that in an event where a relationship fails, an independent person will land on their feet and go on with their lives, whereas someone who has grown too attatched to the other person won’t. I’ve been in many relationships both casual and serious. I have been in love, I’ve had my heart broken and I’ve learned to move on, bitter? you know nothing about me so spare me the relationship advice. I bet the closest relationship you’ve ever had with a girl is a lap dance from a cheap striper.. Yes? No? Iether way idc and dont bother replying cuz idc what you have to say: convesation over, have a nice life!

Answer #14

see u are pretty bitter…..LOL

Answer #15

but why would you want to live a life of dependence? isn’t it better to have the capability to live on your own and enjoy yourself and your life? not saying that companionship isn’t also pleasurable, but why is someone who seems to have been through heartbreak bitter? she knows what she’s talking about.

Answer #16

In order to be truly happy you need to have relationships with other people. Humans NEED to have those ties to live a full life. If youre living solely on your own, your most likely not enjoying your life all that much.

Answer #17

Sometimes it is because that person feels insecure and unwanted so when someone comes along who loves them they can’t stand letting them go. It could also be that the person doesn’t have anything else to put passion into except their relationship

Answer #18

people just want someone to love

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