What do you look for in a partner brains, or looks?

Answer #1


Answer #2

Brains. Totally.

Answer #3


Answer #4

That is the truth, you can’t fix stupid.

Answer #5

brains…their personality in general.

Answer #6

I’m not quite sure what it is that I look for, sure, intelligence is a likely variable but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go with a know-it-all wise-hat just because she knows just about everything. It’s generally how they are as a person which, in turn, takes a while to figure out :)

Answer #7

well tbh i dont go for either as long as they have a decent personality and they like some of the same things as you then it sounds good to me :)

Answer #8

Looks which is kinda shallow but you’ve generally got to be attracted to the person first… and then the brains!…. but if they don’t have them the relationship probs won’t go anywhere anyway so brains is the most important at the end of the day.

Answer #9

Well you can always buy the looks if the body has potential.

Answer #10

I look not only at brains, not only at looks…I look at a lot of stuff…but out of these two, brains

Answer #11

I judge based on three things: morals (like how she acts), brains, and then looks . With morals all I’m really looking for is that she is caring and nice, but not to an extreme. When it comes to brains I love arguing so it’d be nice to have someone who I could always argue with. Finally the looks i tend not to go for women with big proportions I guess you can say I like them skinny. There’s one final criteria I have which is that my woman must be like my clothes, meaning I can’t walk outside unless I have her with me/ I know she is there for me.

Answer #12

Haha Def. Brians. :D

Answer #13

brains. people with out brains just dont seem to be attractive to me…

Answer #14

When you say brains, I will assume you mean personality as well as intelligence, since that’s where the personality lies. I am more interested in personality, however, who on earth would date someone they weren’t attracted to?

Answer #15

I cant rightly say brains when i could love a person with a low iq as long as they were an honest, genuine, and caring person. Brains arent everything, just as a persons looks arent everything. My fiance barely finished highschool, cant spell to save his life, and isnt book smart in the least bit. He is street smart, a hard working man, genuine, and a wonderful person though. I dont need someone who can out spell me or can score high on an iq test, i look for someone who will make great partner, support his family, be a good father, be trustworthy, and who loves me for me. As far as looks go, theres no need to be a model, but yes i do need to be physically attracted to a person that i am with. I could not be with someone who i didnt find attractive, no matter how shallow it sounds.

Answer #16

A fair balance of three things; brains, looks, and personality.

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