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Nah. Just go buy ‘em from Hot Topic.
You don’t gauge your ears you stretch them. Stretching them professionally in a shop ? Yes you do. Buying pours acrylic tapers from the mall & doing it yourself ? Nope. If you do decide to do it yourself, look for stainless steel tapers, please for the sake of your lobes.
- pourus
Bad, bad, bad advice.
sorry im kinda new to ear stretching, dont know the terminallogy very well yet. just know they look cute af and i want some. lol.
How is that bad advice colleen? You do not need a parents permission to stretch your ears and alyx was just telling them where to buy tapers. Although I would reccomend buying from a shop. You may not agree with body modification of ears but it isn’t against the law for a minor to do so.
i think she meant bad advice because at MOST mall shops only sell acrylic or silicone tapers/stretching jewelry, which isn’t good for your ears & they harbor bacteria. They don’t really sell stainless steel or titanium.
actually hot topic and spencers both sell steel. Stainless and surgical.
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