Why is the word panties plural?

I’ve been trying to figure this out for a while, and I just cant wrap my head around it. Why is the word ‘panties’ plural? Isn’t something plural supposed to contain more then one? “I bought a new pair of panties today” Why is it a pair? Isn’t a pair more then one? I don’t get it, I’m frustrated.

Answer #1

It’s the same reason that we call it a ‘pair of pants.’ Originally there were actual legs to panties. The pair part referrers to the number of legs. However, gradually, over time, panties became shorter and shorter and thus, no more legs! (I drove my 4th grade teacher nuts with these ?s and she actually looked them up for me because she was curious too!)

Answer #2

A pair of shorts, a pair of pants/trousers, a pair of jeans, a pair of knickers (in UK English) a pair of panties (in US English)? The fact that two legs go into them seems to make them into a pair, therefore plural…

But in French the English word is taken into the language and made singluar - le shorts, not les shorts, le jeans, not les jeans. I get very confused, living in France.

Answer #3

Yes it’s similar in German. To say a pair of trousers you say: ein hose (a trouser).

I speak French and German and it’s a tad confusing.

And yes..the whole two legged thing seems to make it a plural :)

Answer #4

Good question! The best I could find is http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=pantaloons . As fas back as the etymology goes, it was plural. Why!?

Answer #5

Sorta like a desk and some desk. . . . . . . . . Go figure. . . er. . . . . Did I just frustrate you more? Bad Rodney, Bad Rodney. . . . .

Answer #6

I don’t know, and I know this isn’t in any way a credible source, but on what not to wear, stacy and clinton refer to items of clothing in the singular usually. so pants becomes pant, jeans becomes jean, panties becomes panty…you get the idea. I’m an english major so this subject really interests me. (I’msuch a nerd, I know!). I think I’ll check the Oxford English Dictionary and see if it says anyting to explain it.

my guess right now is that it has to do with some latin or greek root that it came from.

Answer #7

weird.. I’ve heard of just a “panty,” that’s how they usually list it when on like a shopping website, or in a catalog.

Answer #8

But then there’s those ‘panty liners’ …now I’ve set you off again. Bwahahah.

Answer #9

I always thought its because there is still a “pair” of holes for the legs

Answer #10

wow, good point. I never thought of that.

Answer #11

Steph… don’t go getting yer knicker(s) in a twist, now…

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