Why are feminine pads good and how do you prevent odor?

It’s as simple as that; are pads very noticable through clothing? Why are they good? Bad? How to prevent odor that may occur. How often YOU personally change them. Positives. Etc.

Answer #1

Yes, looks like a diaper. They’re good: you don’t have to stick something up there. They’re bad: you sit in blood. Preventing Odor: change often and body spray. Change them every time you go to the bathroom or more.

Answer #2

I personally hate pads so I don’t really have any reasons as to why they’re good. I’ve used tampons ever since I started getting my period at the age of thirteen. I’ve never had sex so there’s no reason why everyone can’t use them. I change every two to three hours and as for odor, deodorant.

Answer #3

They can be noticeable in certain clothing. Like, it’s probably not the best idea to wear yoga pants when you’re using them :p . As for a good brand, I would say that it depends. Some girls have a heavier flow than others. Always Infinity is a pretty good, well-known brand, though. Find whatever works for you. Change it every time you go to the bathroom.

Answer #4

They don’t give you Toxic Shock Syndrome lol that’s the only reason why I use them.

Answer #5

i know im a guy but this sounds very expensive???

Answer #6

They might not be the most comfortable when you have a heavy period. As well, often girls who use pads tend to wear jeans instead on their periods as they show through clothing like leggings or yoga pants. Buy cotton ones thye help in the summer with sweating and help prevent getting rashes or irritation. As well, change often so it’s more comfortable for you.

Answer #7

(Just for the record, I wear both pads and tampons. Depends on what’s available and how heavy my period is.) Pros; They are more “safe” than tampons, I feel more protected during heavier flow, you don’t have to change them as often as tampons, they just go in your underwear :p Cons; They aren’t the most comfortable things, they’re kind of gross, your basically sitting in your own filth, you need to clean down there a little more, you can’t swim in them. Preventing Odor; Change at LEAST every 4 hours, shower everyday, (I do twice a day when i’m on my period), and what I do during the summer when it’s hot and my thighs sweat is I put deodarant on my inner thighs. Changing; When I do wear pads my period is usually heavy so I change them every 2-4 hours depending on where I am. Are they noticable; I just wear jeans when i’m on mine just incase of leakage and the lining being noticable.

Answer #8

Not really.

Answer #9

Since I’ve stopped wearing tampons, I don’t have as much of an odor. Tampons are convenient, but if you think about it, all that bacteria and blood sits all soaked up in your va g !na as its trying to exit your body, but can’t.

Pads are much safer than tampons because you can die from Toxic Shock Syndrome by wearing a tampon for too long. My favorite pads are the Infinity pads, they’re comfortable and they fit well. You can only see your pad if it’s long (like an overnight pad) or thick and it depends on how tight your clothes are.

I generally change my pad when it’s full or if I wont be able to change it for a while… I used to be Suuuupperrr heavy and i would have to wear pads AND tampons or else I’d leak. One time I soaked trough a tampon and a pad in about 1 hour. Gross, I know. ANYWAY, I switched over to birth control so now my periods are light and I don’t need tampons as a back up any more.

To keep the odor down, make sure to change your pad if it’s full or doesn’t smell good. Avoid using tampons unless you need to. Bring wipes with you. And SHOWER as often as you can!

Answer #10

I prefer to use pads over tampons because they are not comfortable to me and you could always get thin pads that still hold when you’re heavy There are specials soaps and creams that you can use for odor too.

Answer #11

I’ve never worn a tampon before but, I still think pads are better. I may be wrong but it’s my opinion. Pads can be very easy to use and some of them are odor soaking too( or whatever u call those). For me, I think they really work. Change every time u use the bathroom.. It’s good: because they are more easier to use and can be used without worry even in heavy flow times. Also, u don’t have to change them as often as tampons. Bad: because, it may be messier than when using a tampon, also you can swim when using a pad.. Well you have to change in at least every four hours (it would be better if u made that two hours though), and you need to clean yourself every time you use the bathroom. Take showers everyday, change, and use deodorant and you should be fine..

Answer #12

I use pads as due to chronic bladder infections I’m not allowed to use tampons on a regular basis. Doctors orders. So pads are good if you can’t use tampons, they are also healthier as tampons can cause TSS and if you aren’t clean you can have bacteria growing up there (not much room to breathe). Pads aren’t really noticeable through clothing, especially not the ultra thin ones you get these days.

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