Overly Sensitive

Im a lesbian and I’ve never really had full out sex with any girls but when I have been in situations sexually related which usually end up with a girl fingering me I just feel so sensitive and very quickly I have to tell her to stop because it hurt.. like a good hurt but almost to good that I cant keep going. I’ve never orgasmsed so I’ve wondered if im just getting to the climax or if im just to sensitive..

any advice about what happening or maybe something that I can do to make my vagina less sensitive?


Answer #1

Its not so much a hurt as in it being painful in a bad way but like it feels like really good and I cant keep going lol

Answer #2

hm.. well, I am not a woman nor do I have experience in this problem. My best friend is a lesbian and I never heard that she had such problems. Well, the hurting part is unusual… are you sure you are not confusing it with a more “pressure-building” type feeling? I suggest you practice by yourself until you at least orgasm once, that way you are aware of how it feels. If you want to build up a tolerance, continue doing so and it might work to make you less sensitive. There might also be some resources on the web to make you less sensitive, but I really do not know.

Anyway, good luck to you, hopefully your problem can be resolved.

Answer #3

Well, I would try yourself and push yourself to the limit. Once you do it once, you will realize what it is like. You shouldn’t be afraid.. it is an extremely pleasurable experience, from my knowledge, probably 10x more so for women than men.

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