Other words for "a dime a dozen"?

What are other expressions for “a dime a dozen” that mean the close to or the same thing?

Answer #1

how about 10 minutes and a handfull of ticks

Answer #2

ten a penny.

Answer #3

You could say “practically ubiquitous” if you want to sound brainy. Or irritating. ;)

Dictionary.com Thesarus offers these alternatives: boilerplate, common, commonplace, customary, dime a dozen, everyday, fair, fair to middling, familiar, garden, garden-variety, general, humdrum, intermediate, mainstream, mediocre, medium, middle of the road, middling, moderate, nowhere, ordinary, passable, plastic, regular, run of the mill, so-so, standard, tolerable, undistinguished, unexceptional, usual

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